All posts tagged: Franciszka Themerson

Shock`n Sugar

Looking for a children´s book about animals, flowers or rainbows? Then “My First Nursery Book” is NOT what you want. A killed cock, a gingerbread men eaten by foxes or a burnt wolf are not the kind of things you expect in a sweet little children´s book. Illustrated by Polish/British avant-garde artist and publisher Franciszka Themerson “My First Nursery Book” is full of surreal, offbeat, macabre stories. Lots of death and horror – but then in wonderful sweet colours. A charming combination of block colour prints and red line drawings. In 2008 it has been reissued by Tate in its original 1947 form and includes four classic stories: “Who Killed Cock Robin?,” “The Gingerbread Man,” “Three Little Pigs,” and “The Three Bears.” A moral shock therapy for little ones – but with sugar coating! Auf der Suche nach einem Kinderbuch über Tiere, Blumen und Regenbögen? Dann ist „My First Nursery Book“ NICHT das Ende der Suche. Ein ermordetes Rotkehlchen, ein Lebkuchenmann verspeist von Füchsen, und ein verbrannter Wolf sind nämlich nicht gerade die Geschichten die man …